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You can also view my resume on a page displayed in PDF form here.

Jobs, Grants, and Research Positions

At my job positions in grants and in research, I’ve had a chance to work together with great and talented faculty and to learn from their experience. Here are some of the positions I have occupied.

Project Director

May 2021 – Present

The Alvord Transcription Project, funded by the Jefferson Trust Flash Grant and the Harrison Award

  • Authored and secured grant funding of ten thousand dollars to scan and transcribe Civil War letters.
  • Organized and categorized letters using database software.
  • Hired and managed a team of six undergraduate students as the project director.
  • Published transcriptions as website in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities and the Nau Center for Civil War History.
  • Authored and secured grant funding of five thousand dollars to statistically analyze produced transcriptions.
  • Analyzing frequency of subjects and occurrence of words using statistical methods and Python natural language processing.

Research Assistant

August 2019 – May 2021

University of Virginia’s Scholar’s Lab, The Anne Spencer Project

  • Researched documents in the Papers of Anne Spencer and the Spencer Family.
  • Represented research in a digital format using online tools TimelineJS and ArcGIS StoryMaps.
  • Used the digital software Neatline and OmekaS to link the life of Spencer to the life of novelist Zora Neale Hurston.

Undergraduate Researcher

June 2020 – August 2020

Virginia Emigrants to Liberia

  • Learned critical elements of Javascript and data modeling to assist in a projected revamping of the existing database.
  • Authored a concluding essay specific to women in the colonization movement.

Class Projects

In my computer science and statistics classes, I have had many great opportunities to work together with my fellow students and learn new things. Here is some of what we made!

COVID-19 Statewide Regression Analysis

January 2021 – January 2021

STAT 3220 – Introduction to Regression Analysis

  • Created a statistical analysis of COVID-19 data using SAS language
  • Filtered publicly-available data using Excel formulas
  • Analyzed relationship to COVID-19 cases by state using various predictors such as age and income
  • Fit the relationship with regression to a prediction model
  • Interpreted findings in a poster and a video with graphs generated using SAS algorithms

Assignment and Note Organizer

August 2021 – December 2021

CS 3240 – Advanced Software Development Techniques

  • Implemented a web app for schedules and note organizations in Python
  • Designed and received feedback from community on initial design
  • Worked with a team using the scrum development method
  • Coordinated with team using Git and continuous integration with Github Actions CI
  • Utilized Django Python web framework, HTML, and Heroku to host as a web application
  • Managed the testing component of the project as Testing Manager

Streaming Platform Review Score Statistical Analysis

January 2022 – May 2022

STAT 3080 – From Data to Knowledge

  • Gathered current data concerning streaming platform movies, movie revenue, and movie review scores
  • Summarized data graphically and numerically using R and R Markdown
  • Displayed summaries and evaluated appropriateness of data in 8 page written report
  • Performed statistical tests including two-sample t-test with checks for all conditions and Q-Q plots for each of the four groups
  • Evaluated test results to significance levels and made conclusions for each of the four groups, all summarized in a 5 page final report.

Personal Projects and Games

Dead Broke

Ranked 2nd Overall and 1st for Fun in the Coding Blocks Game Jam. DEAD BROKE is a game where everything and everyone is broken. You only weapon is a pistol that breaks after one use, your only strategy is to break the lights and hug the darkness, and your only goal is to finally fix everything. DEAD BROKE combines top-down shooter mechanics with puzzles where you must strategically break lights, stay in darkness, and use your single-use weapon to ascend to the next floor. Made in 4 days using the Godot engine and GDScript language, using all original code and art.

“Such an amazing job. Well done. There was the right amount of fun, challenge, and mystery!”


“Killer job, really well polished and was a lot of fun. You nailed it, everything was great!”


Thumb Brawl

A submission for Weekly Game Jam – Week 184: “Thumb War”. Thumb Brawl is a top-down game where you have to defeat the rival thumbs and collect all of your stolen coins! Roam the streets of Thumbville and retrieve what’s yours! You have three health, but there are health packs scattered around. Good luck thumb warrior! Made using the Godot Engine and GDScript language, all original code and art.

“Fun, consistent visuals.”


Crate Frenzy

A submission to Trijam 115: The 3 hour game jam, made in 3 hours. In Crate Frenzy you play as V-98, a robot who has to navigate the galactic warehouse to get his delivery out. But he can’t find his way by himself: help him get there by using crates to get to each door! Made using the Godot Engine and GDScript language, all original art and code.

“Amazing, ended too soon! I loved the idea of holding them in place.”


“The artstyle is really cool! and the gameplay is great!”


Super Lario 2

A game that helped me become familiar with the Godot engine and GDScript. Made as a follow up to the original, which I made in my intro computer science class, SUPER LARIO 2 is a 2d sidescrolling platformer inspired by classic games. Collect coins, defeat monsters, and rescue your pony! Made using the Godot Engine and GDScript language, all original code.

“It’s a solid start you can build from ✌”


Super Lario

Made in Pygame for CS 1110 – Introduction to Programming. Featuring parallax scrolling, destructible blocks, coins to collect and a score, and velocity in movement.


Here are some of my skills and how experienced I would say I am at each. It isn’t at all a comprehensive list, and I’m constantly learning new things and improving on old ones; I am eager to learn!


  • Python
  • R
  • Pandas (Python)
  • Git
  • Java
  • C++
  • GNU Octave/Matlab
  • x86
  • C
  • HTML
  • GitHub Actions CI
  • Heroku
  • Django
  • Javascript
  • MySQL


  • Microsoft Office
  • Photoshop
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • WordPress
  • MacOS
  • Latex
  • Godot
  • CAD
  • Blender
  • Audacity
  • Unity