Computer Science and Statistics

Pictured: An excerpt from a letter from President Abraham Lincoln giving Reverend J. W. Alvord permission to travel during the Civil War to spread reading material to the Army of the Potomac. Dated November 12th, 1863. Read this letter and more by clicking on “Alvord Transcription Project” in the top menu or visiting the official website here.

As a student at the University of Virginia studying these topics, I can bring my skillsets into new projects.

Welcome to my personal website!

Hi, I’m Gideon French! I’m a software developer and data scientist studying computer science and applied statistics with a mathematical concentration at the University of Virginia. I have a passion for technology, math, humanities, and the creative arts.

My Most Ambitious Project Yet

The Alvord Transcription Project, an ongoing project spanning multiple years and academic fields.

See my Past Projects and Work Experience

I have worked in a variety of research jobs and grants projects involving technology and the digital humanities.

Check Out My Coursework

At the University of Virginia, I take a variety of courses in statistics, computer science, and the humanities.

Find Me on Github and LinkedIn

I keep my LinkedIn updated with all my past experience and my recent projects. Feel free to email me as well!