Category: Research

Entry 1: Hands-On History: Digitizing, Transcribing, and Curating the Letters of a Civil War Chaplain

June 4, 2021 – This Summer and into the Fall, I was funded by the Jefferson Trust flash funding grants to organize, scan, and transcribe the letters of Rev. John W. Alvord. Alvord was a significant historical figure best known for his Letters from the South, Relating to the Condition of Freedmen, Addressed to Major […]

Virginia Emigrants to Liberia

The summer of 2020 didn’t entirely go according to plan for anyone. With programs being widely canceled, I was worried that I wouldn’t have any project to work on for the summer. Luckily, I was offered a special summer stipend through the USOAR (Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research) program and was able to work […]