Author: Gideon French

Entry 1: Hands-On History: Digitizing, Transcribing, and Curating the Letters of a Civil War Chaplain

June 4, 2021 – This Summer and into the Fall, I was funded by the Jefferson Trust flash funding grants to organize, scan, and transcribe the letters of Rev. John W. Alvord. Alvord was a significant historical figure best known for his Letters from the South, Relating to the Condition of Freedmen, Addressed to Major […]

Game Jam 1: Super Lario

I started my little adventure in games when my January term for UVa ended and it was two weeks until Spring semester started. I tried out Unity a couple months into quarantine, but decided it wasn’t for me. The amount of options was overwhelming. But I decided then to try out Godot, a free and […]

Virginia Emigrants to Liberia

The summer of 2020 didn’t entirely go according to plan for anyone. With programs being widely canceled, I was worried that I wouldn’t have any project to work on for the summer. Luckily, I was offered a special summer stipend through the USOAR (Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research) program and was able to work […]

The Apple Tree

This was a short story for my creative writing class in Fall 2019. It was a cool crisp autumn in my youth. Middle school was out for Thanksgiving, and the world rejoiced in orange-gold freedom. Mike and Jake and I had drawn up an elaborate schedule with fun slotted in for every spare second. On […]

My Daughter

This was a short writing assignment for my creative writing class in Fall 2019. This was the room where she lived.  Where she laughed, where she cried, where she studied for her calculus test, where I grounded her for failing. Maybe it was my high expectations that led to this situation. I can’t know; she […]

Harmony of the Spheres

This was a short story for my creative writing class in Fall 2019. The city was thousands of years old. Its stone walls were worn from countless acidic rains and bleached by the sun. The thick Venusian jungle stopped a hundred feet from the city’s edges. Within the city, nothing grew. Its winding alleyways were […]